Monday, February 9, 2009

Blue Bells and Buddha's

Two days ago, Mark came home and said, "did you notice that your Buddha head in the garden has been knocked over?"   

"No, I said, how could that be? Do you think it was Gus, knocking things about with his enthusiasm for the new day?"

"No he said, it's too heavy for Gus to have knocked over. It is solid rock, it must weigh 25 pounds. It's far too sturdy an object to be affected by a dog's wild tail wagging."

And the conversation ended there, and we moved on to discuss other things, and a whole day went by before we thought about our Buddha again.  It was not until we were fertilizing the veg plot this past weekend that we decided to have a closer inspection of our lovely garden Buddha.  What we discovered  was fascinating.

Have you guessed it yet, what pushed the 25 pound stone Buddha head over?

I don't think I would have guessed in a 100 years.  So I'll show you a picture.

Yep, that's right,  the bulbs did it! Little green blue bell shoots moved the Buddha head out of their way. The spot below the plum tree had been theirs for many years, and I am sure that there was no doubt some confusion as to why the sun was not reaching them.  

And so, they simply did what any wild and instinctive being does. They did what they had to do to stay alive, to keep moving toward the light, and they did this, without any hesitation.  I am a firm believer that plants are not effected by self doubt, or hopelessness.   For these little ones it was just a matter of  moving the thing, that was blocking their growth, out of their way so they could keep growing. 

I am sure you can understand why I was so very impressed with their style. I got down on my hands and knees and had a loving chat with them in that fresh spring soil.  I congratulated them on their courage and thanked them for the fine example.  

I then turned to my man and asked if he thought they were going to be okay?  To which he replied, "Of course they are going to be okay, they just pushed a 25 pound stone out of their way to find the sun."  

"Oh yeah, I said, good point."

As for me, well I moved the Buddha head to a better location.  Then I stood in the morning sun and marvelled at the wisdom of this good earth.


Urban Hideaway Guesthouse said...

Beautiful story. Nature is such a wonderful teacher. Uncomplicated, direct and so simple. Love it!
xo Janine

Avril said...

I am also in awe when a sprout makes it through a concrete wall, pokes through a fissure in the pavement, dislodges a Buddha head...Mother nature's way of showing us she is unstoppable on her quest to renew life...pure poetry.

Julia Guthrie said...

Oh my goodness!!!!!!! That is amazing...I never would have thought shoots could do that. LOL
This is why I love your blog posts Nao, they always make me think differently :)

Anonymous said...

What a great lesson! Loved the story. Thank you. :)


ArtSparker said...

Wonderful post. I will be thinking about it for awhile. Amazing that Spring is beginning to manifest so far up North, also.

Renee said...

This means much to me on a deep level.



Katie said...

nao you are so great come back soon.